Little Demon is an adult animated sitcom created by Darcy Fowler, Seth Kirschner and Kieran Valla that premiered on FXX on August 25, 2022, and ended on October 20, 2022. The series features the voices of Aubrey Plaza, Danny DeVito, and Lucy DeVito. The series is the first show produced by Atomic Cartoons aimed at an adult audience.
13 years after being impregnated by Satan, Laura and her Antichrist daughter, Chrissy, attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware, but are constantly overwhelmed by monstrous forces, including Satan, who wants custody of Chrissy's soul.
I worked as a storyboard artist with director Samantha Arnett, Jeanette Moreno King & Ben Bjelajac on episodes 5, 8 & 10